Lake Mount Wushan, China - Alexander Chandler
My name is Alexander Chandler and I'm at the Toronto Harbourfront to volunteer with Lake Ontario waterkeeper to help monitor the levels of e-coli.
Is there one water body that you feel most connected to I'd have to say it was this this lake near or near Mount Wushan, in China.
It's up on a mountain and I hiked all the way up there and the water was just so clean and so pure and so drinkable that it was absolutely amazing. I've done the hike twice, and the last time was two years ago.
I think the really sad thing is that a lot of those places and opportunities to have those experiences are disappearing not even just in Toronto or China but all over the world. It's really sad that we have to look forward to a future without that. I've done it twice but the last time was two years ago. Yeah.
I don’t enjoy too many water activities out in Lake Ontario. I mean I will swim, just in a pool.