Kingston Waterfront, ON - Bill Hutchison

My Watermark is the Kingston Waterfront of Lake Ontario.

My most powerful memory of the Kingston Waterfront was the time was in summer when I had time, I would jog along the waterfront from the water treatment plant heading east for about an hour. Coming back I would sprint the length of Breakwater Park, at the end I felt like I was flying 10 feet above the path.

The Kingston Waterfront is important to me because of its charm, excitement, and definition have always been part of my life here. We first met Kingston and its water of Confederation park at the ferry used to dock there. The ferry lights, the crowd, the overheard French were exotic and exciting to a traveller from dry Southern Ontario.

It is important to connect the whole waterfront as one path that will grow in beauty over generations. I personally, would like to see the commercial/dumpsters removed from the waterfront.

Lake Ontario, ON
Dana Jackson
Bill Hutchison

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