Kingston Waterfront, ON - Rebecca Soudant

My Watermark is Lake Ontario in Kingston, ON.

Our family, myself, my husband and three children, Anna, Jack and John rent the post office on garden island in the summer. We were clearing out an area for our boat when we parted some branches to see a lovely little place for children. There was a willow tree and a gravel beach under the tree and surrounded by sumacs and other trees. The children go there to play and they decided to call it 'Our Brave'. It is their secret home where they climb, eat and bathe.

'Our Brave' is a small piece of Lake Ontario, close to kingston. The words they choose I believe came from a place where they know there is some danger, a need for protection as well as the source of great happiness that only comes from being brave.

Lake Ontario, ON
Melanie Edmond
Rebecca Soudant

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