Lake Ontario - Quin M

During the summer of 2022, the beach was one of my brothers and my favourite places to go. We’d go to the Port Hope beach which is on the north shore of Lake Ontario. It has glittering waters with small waves that lap over the sand, showing the shells and the rocks you can use to make beach art.

One day, my youngest brother and I met up with one of my friends named Addy at the beach. We collected shells and crushed them to make sand art. While we were doing this, my mom and grandma were talking to Addy’s mom and they had found a spot in the shade, which is rare, due to the dozens of people on the beach.
After we finished we ran over to them, our feet moving the warm golden sand, holding out a toy batman we had found on the one empty part of the beach. Addy and I stopped for a snack while my brother went on a pink flamingo floaty named “Unicorn” to wave catch. He was trying to get to the beginning of the cresting waves when the wind started to pick up. Addy and I were so busy feeding sandy Pringles to the gulls that we were oblivious to my brother getting further and further out on the lake.

It wasn’t till my grandma finally started getting worried that we noticed him farther out than we’d ever gone, as soon as I saw how far out he was, I ran into the crystalline water, dove under once it was deep enough, and started racing towards him. I put aside my fear of things in the water (that should not exist due to sharks living in salt water and me being in freshwater) and swam past the point of my feet being able to touch. In less than a minute I reached out and got hold of my brother's foot.

I am glad I got him back to the beach and I hope to be able to make more memories there with my friends and family.

Lake Ontario, ON
Trinity College School
Alison Elliott
Quin M

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