Lake Simcoe, ON - Darryl Webster

My name is Darryl Webster and I’m from East Gwillimbury, Ontario, Canada. The waterbody that’s influenced me in some way is Lake Simcoe. Lake Simcoe is kind of where you would go if you had a boat which my dad did growing up. You would go to Lake Simcoe, and so early memories of this. So I would say Lake Simcoe and I would also say the Pacific Ocean by Los Angeles. I went to school there so I’m pretty close to the Pacific Ocean as well. A particular memory that comes to mind with Lake Simcoe, is I remember my dad had a boat but he would never go boating because he would always talk about whitecaps which I didn’t really understand what white caps were.

He would say “Nope, there are whitecaps. We’re not going out.” And we would even drive to the marina and he’d get to the crest this one hill l where you can see. If you are coming from East Gwillimbury which is south of Lake Simcoe driving there. When you come to the crest of the hill and that’s where you could see whitecaps, he’d see a whitecap and he’d say oh I can see whitecaps then we’d turn around and go home - pointless. I love my dad, I love my dad, but I never understood that. Why do you have a boat and you can’t go through these waves which are this big. Whatever. With the Pacific Ocean, I was badly hung over one time, and I’m someone prone to the guilt side of the hangover. I have the metaphysical hangover. Oh someone told me once, the moral hangover – I get these kinds of hangovers. Going to school and living in LA, I had this terrible hangover and I went to the beach and went in the ocean. I’d go in, probably I was still drunk to be honest, because I had this stupid idea that I’m going to go in no matter what happened last night, this is all just going to wash away. I’m not religious or anything like that, but this stupid idea that this body of water is going to wash it away. And I went in and I was like I’m going to do it. It was January which was still a little chilly out there and just not realizing it was my first time in the ocean. And it’s salt water, so not like Lake Simcoe where you go and do whatever, but I just got pelted with all this salt. And I remember but I did feel better. Don’t know why I like that ocean so much, well why wouldn’t you. So I'm going to say the Pacific Ocean and Lake Simcoe.

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Darryl Webster

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