North Saskatchewan River, AB - Suzanne Poirier

The North Saskatchewan river valley trails are the peaceful way I start my May thru Sept bikes to & fro work, plus weekend & evening bikes along it's trails for pure enjoyment & to reboot. It keeps me grounded, is my best listener & the backdrop for my most profound thinking and reflection because of it's sheer beauty and peacefulness. It's also accessible, being a stones throw from where I live. Apart from the mental health benefits, the Saskatchewan River Valley is also host to and impetus for my fitness pursuits, whether scaling the Iconic Wolf Willow stairs, jogging along it's great network of river valley paths, or biking deep into the wooded paths, or just a late night power walk on the embankment and over the stunning Ft. Edmonton Park Footbridge and its' amazing network of paths.

It has formed a major part of my child's 'growing up', as he often went for a bike or walk to the river valley or waded to the 'Island' formed just below the Ft. Edmonton Park foot bridge with his friends, even as a teen. It provided a natural sanctuary to a kid & teen in a world where too many kids are nature deficit and glued to their devices, the backdrop for many of his childhood memories(for free!) as a fellow lover of the North Saskatchewan River.

Sadie Caron
Suzanne Poirier

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