Burrard Inlet, BC - Amanda Konkin

"My name is Amanda Konkin and Jericho Beach is my Watermark.

I moved to Vancouver like many others: for its opportunity.
I was pursuing a passion in theatre and film. my first time on set was in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain on Jericho Beach.
During that time surrounded by the beauty of the beach, the tranquillity of the night, with the lights of the city in the distance. I realised I had found my home.

So much of who I am is shaped by this city and the water that surrounds it. That's why this beach on English Bay, surrounding one of the greatest cities in the world is my Watermark."

My watermark video talks about the role that Jericho Beach played in first realizing that I had made Vancouver my new home. I remember my first experience on a film set was in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain standing on Jericho Beach. If anyone has spent time on film sets, you will know that it is a long and grueling experience often lasting upwards of 12 hours. What under normal circumstances should have been a tedious and exhausting experience was instead invigorating to a young 20 something new to Vancouver who was realizing for the first time that it was possible to find real work in this industry. Here I was soaking wet, freezing cold in the middle of the night, but I was standing on this beautiful beach on the edge of the Pacific Ocean being paid to pursue my dreams. I realized in that moment that Vancouver would offer me all of the opportunities I had hoped and that if I persevered I could achieve my goals.

The rich, natural beauty in this city attracts numerous projects in the film and television industry and I am always so proud to see Vancouver showcased for international audiences through this work. We often take for granted the things that define the landscape of our communities and help to shape who we are. I knew from a young age that I wanted to move to the city for its opportunity and standing on that beach looking out onto the ocean with the city lights shining in the distance I understood with perfect clarity that I had made the right choice to make Vancouver my home.

Burrard Inlet, BC
Fraser Riverkeeper
Charly Caproff
Amanda Konkin

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